Less hassle, more peace of mind. The cashless bracelet is the perfect embodiment of this idea. With this practical tool, you no longer have to worry about forgetting your wallet or leaving your personal belongings unattended while swimming. Make the most of your holiday in complete peace of mind, thanks to the simplicity and security offered by the cashless wristband.
What is cashless?
Cashless is an entirely paperless means of payment, designed to simplify your holidays. In other words, it becomes your electronic wallet throughout your stay. No more stress about carrying your wallet to the swimming pool: with Cashless, you can enjoy a lighter, more stress-free holiday.
How does it work?
– When you arrive at the campsite: everyone over the age of 10 receives a wristband fitted with a practical, waterproof Cashless chip.
– Recharging the wristband: You can recharge your wristband at any time and in complete autonomy. Payment methods accepted are: credit card. You must top up your wristband online via your personal account.
– Activating your account: As soon as you have your wristband, log on to your dedicated space via:
An e-mail was sent to you 2 days before your arrival to activate and check your account. If you no longer have it, click on ‘forgotten password’ and create a new password using the email address you used for your booking.
– How to use: Once loaded, the wristband allows you to pay for your purchases in all the campsite services, quickly and easily.


Is this the only way to pay on site?
No, bank cards, cheques, holiday vouchers and cash are also accepted.
With the Cashless bracelet, you can also manage your children’s pocket money. All you have to do is credit their bracelet with the amount of your choice and a daily limit, which is an excellent way of teaching them independence in complete safety.
What should I do if I have a problem with my wristband?
– Broken or defective wristband: Go to reception with the wristband concerned so that it can be replaced.
– Lost or stolen: Log in to your online account, select the wristband concerned and block it from further use. A new wristband will be given to you at reception.
How can I track my spending?
You can check the details of your transactions directly on your personal space via If necessary, the teams on site can also tell you your remaining balance (excluding reception).
What happens if I have a balance remaining at the end of my stay?
Don’t worry! You can request reimbursement of your remaining credits online via your Cashless account. You can do this up to 15 days after the end of your stay.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact reception.
A Murol, un joli village médiéval à moins de 2km du camping, vous aurez l’opportunité de visiter la forteresse de Murol. Dominant le village sur son piton volcanique, le château de Murol est un site d’exception qui propose une visite ludique avec une magnifique vue sur le lac.
Comptant 8 bâtiments classés au titre des Monuments Historique, la cité médiévale de Besse est certainement le village le plus atypique de la région. Des ruelles étroites et pavées, de jolies demeures en pierre aux volets rouges, des fontaines fleuries, des petits commerces remplis de charme, c’est là un beau voyage dans le Moyen-âge !
Combinez le traditionnel marché du lundi matin, celui de Besse étant le plus généreux de la saison, avec un petit tour du côté du lac Pavin. Eau turquoise, emblématique par ses mystères et légendes, le lac Pavin est aussi un incontournable lors de votre séjour dans le Puy-de-Dôme.